I haven't quite figured out how to juggle 2 kiddos yet.
I haven't blogged since Miles was born. Coincidence? I think so.
We've had a crazy past 2 weeks. I'll start with his birth.
I was induced on February 13th. It was elective and I was only 39 weeks. But we were moving on the 24th, so my OB knew I was antsy to get this baby out! I checked into the hospital at 12:30 pm. I was already 5 cm dilated and 90% effaced. I told the nurse that I would want an epidural (pitocin is terrible), so get the fluids into me! My OB broke my water and started me on a low dose of pitocin. I had the epidural placed before I was feeling any contractions. They checked me about 30 minutes after I had the epidural and I was 8 cm. They checked me again about 20 minutes later and I was fully dilated. I practiced pushed with the nurse for about 25 minutes. They called the OB and Miles was out on the first push! No tears!
He was born at 3:42 pm.
7 pounds 3.6 ounces
We went home a mere 24 hours later. It was a bit strange going home so quickly but nice to be out of the hospital, since there is NOTHING to do there.
Sunday was interesting, Mike worked a 14 hour day, leaving me at home with both kids less than 48 hours after having him. It went pretty well other than the fact that Lacey was going crazy being inside all day. I surprisingly was running around the house chasing her. I had no pain whatsoever. I was taking about 400mg of ibprofen every 4-6 hours but that was it. I credit that speedy recovery to my 3000mg of EPO that I took daily those last weeks!
Lacey likes her brother. She is great at giving him kisses and giving him the paci when he spits it out. Other than that she pretty much ignores him! She tried handing him some toys today and couldn't really figure out why he wouldn't take them from her...
When Miles was 11 days old, we moved from Seattle back to Minneapolis. I was a nervous wreck taking him on a plane but he slept in the moby wrap on me the entire time. The pressure didn't bother him at all. Lacey slept about half the flight as well, which was a welcomed surprise.
The midwest is COLD. I certainly am not taking my baby boy out in this anytime soon. I am actually a bit scared to take them both out at once. Not in any hurry to do that.
I'm trying to figure out how mom's with more than one kid find time to do something other than tend to their kids. Naptime isn't "me time" anymore. Guilt has set in. I feel like I am always holding or feeding Miles and Lacey is getting the short end of the stick. At one point I didn't even get online for a week. Its a constant day of feeding, diapers, playing, napping, etc. If Miles sleeps in, I don't because Lacey is up no matter what. Coffee has been my good friend.
But all in all I am loving having both the kids. Life feels so complete now and we feel like a "real" family. I am actually enjoying getting up with Miles in the middle of the night, I'm sad to see how fast he is already growing. Babies just grow up too fast.
I really have been blessed with 2 great and beautiful kids.